Mimosa Architekti ● Vyšehradská 320/49, 128 00 Praha 2 ●


  • Name: Water House
  • Location: Hulice, Želivka reservoir
  • Client: Czech Union for Nature Conservation
  • Project year: 2010

In a well-attended competition invited by the Czech Union for Nature Conservation, our design of Water House won the first prize among many bidders.

Jury’s assessment read as follows: “The design creates straightforward symbiosis of the biotope of landscape with the Water House building. austere concept of the structure grips attention with its prominent roof that hovers over landscape and interferes minimally in its context. Landscaping of exterior areas creates a forefield to the Water House entry. The layout is subject to its interconnection with the exterior space. The two-storey structure is interconnected by means of an aquarium. Vacant areas of the house are ready for developing the theme of water. The submitted design has true architectonic qualities.”

The complete design, including jury’s evaluation, is available on the archiweb website.

The landscape as an exhibition space, water as the exhibit, that is the fundamental of the House of Water competition design. Water is displayed in its natural state belonging to the landscape. Water is seen as a part of natural enviroment, not artificially presented inside the building.
The House of water is a museum of water and water use situated nearby Želivka reservoir. Želivka is currently main source of water for city of Prague covering approximately 75% of water consumption. Because of protective zones around the reservoir, it became to be an important ecological system with wide range of animal and plant species.
This uncommon ecological diversity is to be displayed in open-air exhibition area occupying all the plot. This natural space is divided into several zones representing different  biotopes from close surroundings of the reservoir. These micro – zones are connected by the system of paths where visitors have the opportunity to learn and understand the value of Želivka region and the key role of water.
On the top of sloping exterior exhibition there is a „flying“ roof designed to be visualy detached from the ground. This only architectural element is dominating the area having certain iconic quality.



