Mimosa Architekti ● Vyšehradská 320/49, 128 00 Praha 2 ●


  • Name: Media Magika
    (Changing the face)
  • Location: Národní třída, Prague
  • Client: Dupont CZ
  • Project year: 2010

In the area of Nová scéna the results were proclaimed of the “Changing the Face” competition, in which our design titled Media Magika.
Jury’s assessment was as follows: ”The design is an example of the shrewd use of contemporary materials. In terms of architecture it unites the two parts of the building. The design is dynamic, what is accentuated by contraction and inflation of particular elements – pads. The building evokes a living organism, which feature expresses the function of the building.”

Reactivation of public space and reopening of  discussion about the overall reconstruction of Laterna Magica building ( part of National Theatre ), these are two main goals of Media Magica project. The competition was about to design new skin of the existing building.
In 1983 The New Scene of National Theatre was built by Czech architect Karel Prager. The building skin is rendered by more then 4000 glass panels created by artist Stanislav Libeňský. This unique solution has been taken as a visual inspiration for the design.
Media Magica project represents temporary skin solution based on an additional layer  composed of „pillows“. This new layer completely preserves the existing glass facade without any structural intervention . Facade  segments are shaped by controlled air flow. In every segment there is a back projector generating a screen in overall scale. Displaying capacity is used for the presentation of theatre activities, public board and for interactive performances revitalizating the public life around the building.

